We had a hard time trying to find invitations that went with our theme (Troll Hunters). Everything I showed my soon to be 8 year old was rejected, until we found these. They are little cave Crystals, so they worked perfectly with our other party decorations. We started with printing off the templates to make the crystals.

I chose this printable from Pinterest because it already had the colors (so we wouldn’t have to worry about coloring them later), but there were plenty of other printable designs you could chose from. Then there was A LOT of cutting, folding and gluing. Also, I chose to glue the printed template to a piece of construction paper, because the paper by itself was a little bit flimsy.

I had a hard time getting a regular glue stick to hold the crystal shape together, so I ended up using a hot glue gun to glue the tips of the crystals. After that, all that was left was writing the party information on the sides. I think it was a cute idea, and the birthday girl was proud to pass them out.