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Owl Pinata (Hedwig from Harry Potter)

Owl Pinata (Hedwig from Harry Potter)

This year, my oldest decided on a Harry Potter themed birthday party. Her choice of piñata was Hedwig, Harry Potters owl. This post contains affiliate links. To start with, she sat with me as I was sketching it out, to get the general shape. She was able to design it...

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Valentines Handprint Art

Valentines Handprint Art

I LOVE handprint crafts and this is one of my favorites.  I made this several years ago, so unfortunately I don’t have any step-by-step pictures, but it was pretty simple to make. First, you outline the heart, leaving the inside of the heart white (or whatever color...

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Voldemort Wand DIY

Voldemort Wand DIY

This post contains affiliate links. My children have recently watched some of the Harry Potter movies for the first time. They each asked for a wand for Christmas so I did some Pinterest research. I saw some home made wands with chopsticks and hot glue and thought I...

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Mermaid Pinata

Mermaid Pinata

This was the first piñata I have made that wasn't for one of my children. A friend of mine asked if I could make a mermaid tail piñata...so I gave it a try. She LOVED it (Yay!!)! First, as always, I did some Pinterest searching and decided on what shapes and designs I...

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Chewbacca Costume

Chewbacca Costume

This costume took me a good while to complete. It was not very complicated, but very time consuming. I bought a lot of yarn (coupons and sales) to make this happen. There is a picture of the yarn I used below. I thought it was a pretty good color match to Chewbacca's...

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