DIY Birthday Party
We simply don’t have much money to spend on birthday party decorations so I’m always looking for cheap or free diy party favors and more.
Polymer Clay Crafts
I’m always looking for crafts we can do at home that all ages can have fun with.
Cheap DIY Costumes
My kids always choose the crazies characters to be for Halloween. Buying costumes is just not an option.
Handmade Christmas
Lately I’m loving making Christmas ornaments!
Owl Pinata (Hedwig from Harry Potter)
This year, my oldest decided on a Harry Potter themed birthday party. Her choice of piñata was Hedwig, Harry Potters owl. This post contains affiliate links. To start with, she sat with me as I was sketching it out, to get the general shape. She was able to design it...
Polymer Clay Darth Vader Journal Cover
To start with, I must say, I had NO idea what I was doing or how it was going to turn out. This was only my second try at a clay journal cover, but I love how it turned out. It was a birthday present for my oldest, she loves Darth Vader. Also, this post does contain...
Valentines Handprint Art
I LOVE handprint crafts and this is one of my favorites. I made this several years ago, so unfortunately I don’t have any step-by-step pictures, but it was pretty simple to make. First, you outline the heart, leaving the inside of the heart white (or whatever color...
Gingerbread Family Ornament
I try to make a new family ornament every year. This year I thought a gingerbread family would be cute...but I got even more excited when I thought of putting them on a baking sheet! I found some sparkly silver clay and rolled it flat. To get the perfect baking sheet...
Harry Potter Wand DIY
This post contains affiliate links. My girls have just watched some of the Harry Potter movies for the first time and they asked for a wand for Christmas. They each picked their favorite wands, and I got to work. I was REALLY excited at how awesome they turned out. I...
Dumbledore Wand DIY
This post contains affiliate links. This was my first try at making my own wands, and I was SO excited at how they turned out. My children requested Harry Potter wands for Christmas and I recently saw them on Pinterest, so I gave it a try. I started with some...
Voldemort Wand DIY
This post contains affiliate links. My children have recently watched some of the Harry Potter movies for the first time. They each asked for a wand for Christmas so I did some Pinterest research. I saw some home made wands with chopsticks and hot glue and thought I...
Picture Frame Clay Ornament
Each year my children make ornaments for their friends, and each year I think they are my favorite yet. I love these so much, I am not sure they are going to be able to top them next year. These are sweet and personal, and pretty easy to make. This post contains...
Blue and Silver Clay Snowflakes
These Ornaments and color combinations are some of my favorite. I tried to take some pictures along the way to better illustrate how to make these. I have another post of similar snowflakes, but hopefully this one will give more detailed steps. This post contains...
Snowflake Ornaments from Clay
I love these snowflakes. You can make them in any color or design you wish, and they are pretty simple to make. This post contains affiliate links. First, you can pick whatever color clay you want your background to be. Then flatten it as even as you can, so you can...
Mermaid Pinata
This was the first piñata I have made that wasn't for one of my children. A friend of mine asked if I could make a mermaid tail piñata...so I gave it a try. She LOVED it (Yay!!)! First, as always, I did some Pinterest searching and decided on what shapes and designs I...
Chewbacca Costume
This costume took me a good while to complete. It was not very complicated, but very time consuming. I bought a lot of yarn (coupons and sales) to make this happen. There is a picture of the yarn I used below. I thought it was a pretty good color match to Chewbacca's...